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Congress Information

로케이션 네비게이션

모바일 로케이션 네비게이션



Credit Card Payment Problems

  • name KCR Secretariat
  • date 2021.03.15
  • views 970
1. If you have any problems paying with a credit card, please follow the steps below to register:

1) Log-in to the website -> My Page -> Registration Information -> Confirm-> Payment module will appear.

2) Use Internet Explorer.

3) Allow all pop-ups.

4) Install/update all payment programs.

5) Or try to make your payment on another computer.

We recommend using Internet Explorer rather than Chrome.

Unfortunately we do not offer any other way to pay with a credit card except via our online system.

2. Or pay by wire transfer. Kindly follow the below:

- All bank remittance charges are to be paid by registrants.

- The sender's name should be the registrant's name.

- A copy of the bank remittance receipt should be faxed to the Congress Secretariat.

- Please ensure that the registrant's name is on the bank remittance receipt.

Bank Name: KEB Hana Bank

Swift Code: KOEXKRSE

Branch Name: Yangjaedong branch

Beneficiary: The Korean Society of Radiology

Account No.: 281-890021-71838